29.00 (without VAT)
35.67 (with VAT)

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Squat Wedges are devices designed to provide support and stability during squat exercises.
Advantages of its use:
1. Improves posture: Squat Wedges are designed to slightly tilt the heels upwards, which can help correct posture during squats, promoting a more vertical posture with the spine aligned and thus reducing the risk of injuries
2. Increases Range of Motion: By elevating the heels, Squat Wedges can improve range of motion in the ankles, allowing the squatter to lean further forward without the heels leaving the ground. This can be especially helpful for people with limited ankle mobility.
3. Muscle activation: Using Squat Wedges can help activate the leg and glute muscles more effectively during the squat, providing a stable base and allowing the muscles to work through their full range of motion
4. Relieves Knee Strain: For some people, Squat Wedges can help reduce knee strain when squatting, especially if they have a specific anatomy that makes them prone to excessive knee strain.
5. Adaptation for different body types: Because people have different body proportions and joint mobility, Squat Wedges can be adjusted to meet individual needs, providing a more comfortable and stable base for squatting
6. Increases exercise effectiveness: by improving posture, range of motion and muscle activation during squats, Squat Wedges can increase exercise effectiveness, helping exercisers achieve better results in terms of strength, endurance and development muscular

Length: 20,3cm
Width: 11,9cm
Height: 3,2cm, 5cm, 8,3cm

Additional information

Weight : 1.84 kg


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